Dear Arche Friends,
      Through the years I had the pleasure to meet so many of you in our classes and seminars, or in consultations or therapy. Some of you I didn’t actually meet, but reached in lectures, on TV and radio shows or through books or ads all over the world. An ad poll estimated, we reached over 40 million people in the past 40 years with our spiritual messages, our self help programs and therapies, tapes and CD’s and our health and healing counseling.    
     Please know that every one of you is very special to me, personally, and to Arche and that we are only a thought away if you need help or answers to your life questions.
     It is no longer possible to speak or write to every individual, but you are a part of a very powerful spiritual network that guides and protects you. Know that you are loved by the Great Spiritual Power you call God, and also by all your Arche friends.
     If that sounds a little much to take in right now, let me assure you, it will become very clear in the next few months.
At Arche International we have very specific goals for our friends and students.
     Our goal is to help you make life in this world easier and more comfortable, which includes your relationships, your career growth and your health.
     Even more important is our spiritual aspiration for you. It includes knowing with absolute certainty who you are, where you came from, who your God is, what your relationship to this God is, what your options are for your afterlife and how to make sure that you reach these spiritual goals, including your resurrection.
     Let me say here that we are not a religion or a cult or a club for you to join. We are not looking for followers; we are training leaders.
     It doesn’t matter what background you come from. The Arche philosophy and practice will enhance your life here and in the hereafter. You will be empowered and your power will glorify God and the whole Universe.
     Our goals are achieved through training and meditation; through adapting your thinking and your lifestyle to what goals you set for yourself.
     Of course, we are using this website as one of our instruments to get the job done. You’ll find out about our classes and seminars here. You can meditate on Sandy’s inspirational writings. There is a new inspiration every month.
     We are also starting a health corner that deals with stress and nutrition and will answer some of the most common questions in this area. I earned a Ph.D. in Physiology as well as in Psychology and worked both in medicine, medical research and food research for a number of years. This is a chance to share some of what I learned with you. From time to time, we will also post safety tips for your use.
     So keep watching for what we have to share. We are also planning on-line seminars for students who can’t attend our classes and seminars in person and are serious about their spiritual development. Also, we are looking forward to hearing from you – your ideas, your questions and your triumphs.May God bless you,ROSITA

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