Welcome to Arche International’s Monthly Inspirations. Each month we’ll focus on
important life issues to help you align your spirit with your highest spiritual expression
while at the same time creating a more fulfilling, rewarding quality of life filled with
purpose, peace, happiness, good health and greater harmony. We’ll include an
inspirational poem to be used for meditation to propel you further on your spiritual
path. So open your heart and your mind to the endless possibilities that exist within
you. Allow us to help you create your best life!

April 2010
THROUGH THE EYES OF THE SOUL     How clear is your vision?  I don’t mean your eyesight.  Rather, are you able to get a clear view of what’s going on around you and within you?  When we’re moving through life too quickly or are mired down by stress, we often miss wonderful things that are happening all around.      I read an email about a violinist who played some beautiful pieces of music during the morning rush hour at a metro station in Washington, D.C.  Although the music was beautiful and the violinist was actually a very famous musician playing a very expensive violin, for the most part, he was ignored.  After performing for about an hour and receiving very little acknowledgement or money, he left.  His performance had been arranged and documented by a reporter who was writing an article about people’s perceptions and priorities.     Can you see yourself in this picture?  Are you able to stop and see the beauty that already exists around you or exists within yourself or others?  Or do you hurry through life missing out on some of the great opportunities that are there for you waiting for you to take advantage of them?     It’s interesting to note that most of the children who heard the violinist wanted to stop and listen to the music, but their parents hurried them along.  How often do we do the same to our own inner child, our subconscious?  Do we allow ourselves time to slow down and enjoy life or are we so busy being “responsible” that we’ve lost sight of what we’re living for?  Responsibility involves more than completing our to-do list.  Being responsible includes creating a healthy balanced life, with time for work and time for relaxation.  We need to stop and get conscious and open up to our soul’s awareness of life, which can bring us great inner peace and joy as well as help relieve our subconscious’ stress.     Sometimes it’s our perception of a situation that can help open our eyes.  When my daughter was 5 years old, we planned to spend a special day together, coloring Easter eggs.  My schedule had been busy up to that point, so we were both looking forward to relaxing and enjoying each other’s company, just the two of us.  We had everything spread out on our kitchen table and were just about to begin when the doorbell rang and unexpected guests arrived.  My husband took our guests into another room to entertain them, but for me, my day was ruined.  This wasn’t what I had expected.  My subconscious was upset, feeling guilty that I wasn’t visiting with my friends, while at the same time irritated at them for interfering with my plans.  Finally, in the midst of our egg coloring, my 5-year old looked up at me and said, “You know, Mom, you could be having fun.”  She was absolutely right.  At that point, my daughter was more conscious than me.  Rather than blaming my friends for ruining my day, it was my subconscious’ reaction to it that was ruining the day.  I relaxed after that and we had a great time.     This is a concept I’ve carried with me since that day.  “You could be having fun,” reminds me to see life through the eyes of the soul.   When we’re coming from the soul’s perspective, we have a choice in our reaction to life.  For when we get conscious, the soul has the ability to redirect the subconscious to stop resisting that person or situation and instead look at it in a different way.  Otherwise, we resist life and get stuck, mired in negativity.     It’s like floating down a river, very relaxed, going with the flow when suddenly our boat hits a rock.  Instead of maneuvering around the rock and paying closer attention in the future so that it doesn’t happen again, we stubbornly attach ropes to the rock and reprimand it for disrupting our life.  We get so attached to that negative situation that we don’t even realize we’re holding ourselves back.  Although the rock created the problem in the first place, we are contributing to the problem by staying focused on it.  When we resist life in this way, we don’t allow ourselves to move forward.  Instead of learning from the experience and moving on, we get stuck and stop our growth.  It’s time to let go of this behavior.     Can you relate to this?  Have there been times in your life when a relationship ended or you lost a job or something negative happened and you weren’t able to move forward?  Did you continue to find fault and blame others for what had happened?  Although it’s difficult to go through such life challenges, staying in a negative mindset will not help us.  When we get conscious and realize that this can be a fresh start to find a better position for ourselves or a partner that will be more in harmony with us at this time in our life, we’ll be able to attract better opportunities to us and have the ability to recognize them and take advantage of them.     But we must have faith in ourselves and look within to realize our value.  Through the eyes of the soul, really see yourself.  Recognize what a valuable individual you are, for we all have unique qualities that only we can contribute.  Our individual talents, our abilities, our resourcefulness and past experiences can all help us grow further on our path in life.     So take a deep breath, relax, and learn to go with the flow.  Awaken the soul within you and open your awareness to recognize all the exciting possibilities that are waiting for you.  Check our upcoming schedule of events and join us for an Arche class to help you realize the secrets of the soul.Wishing You The Freedom and Joy of The Soul’s Perspective.Sandy Daliege
SURRENDER TO LOVELay Aside Your BurdensAnd Relax For A Time …Imagine You Are StandingIn The Light Of Your Spiritual Essence,Surrounded By God’s Love.All Your Worries Fade AwayAnd Your Mind Become PeacefulAs You Experience The WonderOf Your Divine Union.~ You Are The Soul ~~ You Are The Light ~~ You Are Welcomed And AcceptedJust The Way You Are ~Let Go And Surrender To The Best Within You.Find Your Heart Once More.Allow Your Love To Shine On All People …~ Yourself Included ~For You Are The Light Of The WorldAnd Through Your Love,Hearts Are Lightened,Burdens Are Lifted,And The Promise Of A New BeginningComes To Life.Let Your Love Light Your WayThroughout Your Day,Throughout Your Lifetime,Throughout All Eternity.Surrender To The LoveThat Seeks To Fill Your Lonely Heart.~Allow Yourself The Serenity And Joy Of A Beautiful Life ~SANDY DALIEGE 



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